It has been nine months since my college graduation. I stood on the edge of the stage hoping just to smile and make it across with my degree. I left and sat with the placebo of a diploma in my hand ( not to receive it in the mail for a few months), thinking that I had already made my journey as a "graduate".But it wasn't until now that I've realized, it is very difficult to know before you go what you will see on the other side. Just like going through the processional, I must look forward, sometimes behind, to stand so close to the end, but keep a steady stride. And of course come to a place where others are waiting when I've made it to through to the other side.
It is perhaps no coincidence that in that time span, I've been born into several different lives as a "real girl". I am the yoga instructor, stand up comedian, avid job hunter, grad school applicant, girlfriend, friend, volunteer, writer, newcomer, dedicated employee, counselor, daughter, traveler, photographer, runner, all of these hats, I've tried on... These words are just like the labels I sort for this blog. A blog where I call myself an adventurer. So I strive to be an adventurer as well because I am in a relationship with each of these people. There is a small scale of checks and balances, a compass between my fingers, for how far I can go in these roles. I have also been excited, loved, afraid, gentle, anxious, passionate, motivated, inspired, and melancholy. But with all of the who's I've become, I am still one girl, who believes that this is journey because I am here and this is how far I've come.
This is from the book "We're going on a bear hunt"
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're gonna catch a big one!
We're gonna catch a big one!
I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
Are you?
Are you?
Not me!
Not me!
Oh, no!
"It's a big puddle of mud "
"Can't go around it "
"Gotta go right thru it "
"Yeuk! "
"Well, let's go.
Squish, Sqwish, Blaaahh.
Wiki's definion of an adventure:
It is perhaps no coincidence that in that time span, I've been born into several different lives as a "real girl". I am the yoga instructor, stand up comedian, avid job hunter, grad school applicant, girlfriend, friend, volunteer, writer, newcomer, dedicated employee, counselor, daughter, traveler, photographer, runner, all of these hats, I've tried on... These words are just like the labels I sort for this blog. A blog where I call myself an adventurer. So I strive to be an adventurer as well because I am in a relationship with each of these people. There is a small scale of checks and balances, a compass between my fingers, for how far I can go in these roles. I have also been excited, loved, afraid, gentle, anxious, passionate, motivated, inspired, and melancholy. But with all of the who's I've become, I am still one girl, who believes that this is journey because I am here and this is how far I've come.
This is from the book "We're going on a bear hunt"
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're going on a bear hunt!
We're gonna catch a big one!
We're gonna catch a big one!
I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid!
Are you?
Are you?
Not me!
Not me!
Oh, no!
"It's a big puddle of mud "
"Can't go around it "
"Gotta go right thru it "
"Yeuk! "
"Well, let's go.
Squish, Sqwish, Blaaahh.
Wiki's definion of an adventure: