Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A fearless adventure revisited

As a child, I was often confused by this version of Peter Pan. In fact, it was not my favorite and a close second to the Disney cartoon classic. Not only was Mary Martin not a Peter,she was also an adult. I wondered how odd that despite these pressing factors, she would be so resistant to growing into adulthood.

 I would have lost half my childhood and wasted it away if I could not dream a little deeper; If I could not ask" What would you like to be when you grow up?"

But yet again I am confronted with the change of a season. Another June. Another beginning. I may look on the outside this woman, one who is accountable by society, one who can stop physically growing. But I am also a woman on the inside continuously inspired to be my best "adult self". Growing older is not simply a "ta da", there is often no applause at our milestones unless we make them. So I will always ask that question " What would you like to be?" but also "How have you become her already?".

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