Sunday, March 27, 2011

Budget help

Four-Step Budget Template Last Updated:

Brought to you by Jenny Blake, {Insert date here}

Reference the original post:

Note: Enter amounts in Column B and the totals will automatically calculate.

Step 1: Income

This includes: paychecks, side jobs, anything that brings money into your bank account. Notes:

Income Source: {Fill in Name}

Income Source: {Fill in Name}

Income Source: {Fill in Name}


Step 2: Must-Have Expenses

This includes: Rent, utilities, cell phone bills, anything that will incur late fees. Includes other essentials like groceries and automatic savings account deductions. Saving is a must! Notes:

Rent or Mortgage


Cell Phone Bill

Savings 1

Savings 2

Other (add rows as needed)


Step 3: Nice-to-Have Expenses

This includes: things that you KNOW you spend money on every month like going out to eat.This does not include: one-off purchases (like a TV), major shopping trips, major travel (unless you take frequent weekend trips). Notes:

Going out to eat (estimate)

Fill in...


Step 4: Allowance

"Subtract your total expenses from your income to get your allowance. This is the money left-over each month for you to spend as you'd like - shopping, weekend trips, etc.

For bigger purchases, you may want to start a separate savings account and add that deduction to your ""must have"" column.

To get a weekend allowance, divide this number by four. If you're really serious, take the ""weekend budget"" amount out in cash to monitor your spending even more closely. "


from "Hot Broke Messes"

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